Day Of Defeat Mac Download

The ever-increasing number of Valve games made playable on Mac has been bolstered by another new title – Day of Defeat Source. Day Of Defeat For Mac 10.10 Players who already own the PC game can download the Mac version for free via digital game service Steam.

Oh Videogame Industry, you are so illusively vain, grabbing our old favourites and pumping them full of virtual botox and digital silicone until they shimmer and shine like the sticky mucous-membrane enveloping a newborn calf. What was once an ugly WWII mod for Half-Life has gone under the knife and under the hammer, and after peeling away the bloodied bandages of a lengthy surgery, the beautiful new face and modest price tag of Day Of Defeat: Source has finally been revealed.

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And what a pretty face it is too: the Source engine's slick presentation and solid feel seeps from every brick, sandbag and disassembled church. Valve's much-touted HDR lighting effects are out in force too, and while in theory HDR makes for a far more realistic depiction of the effect light has on our pupils and how the inner workings of our retinas coagulate in turn with global warming (or something), in practice it's really just a subtly attractive effect which more than anything looks like a cloud passing overhead on a sunny day.

The locales in which you fight the good fight consist of four maps from the original mod which read a bit like Santa's back row of sleigh-tuggers - Anzio, Avalanche, Donner and Flash. If you're a newcomer, you'll quickly learn them by their descriptive names of Beach, Wrecked Town, Other Wrecked Town and Village, and if you're a veteran you'll quickly relearn your once-forgotten habits and tactics.

All Laid Out

The maps are expertly crafted, channelling the two opposing forces into pre-determined flashpoints and allowing tense standoffs. Snipers are offered vantage points, creatingno-man's-lands and forcing do-or-die dashes across vacant town squares. Support classes offer covering fire, allowing other soldiers opportunities to manoeuvre into position, while machine-gunners can set up gun emplacements in broken window frames or sandbag barriers, delivering a powerful (yet easily flanked) offensive force capable of suppressing an advancing enemy.

Each class may only differ in its weapon loadout, but it's the type of weapon in your hand that truly affects the role you play in your team. Indeed, depending on which class you choose, the game swings wildly between different playing styles: snipers must depend on assistance in order to hold and maintain the best sniping spots; support troops will spend a lot of time covering the infantry, who must push forward and generally sacrifice themselves for the good of the team; and the guys with the rockets... Well, they clear rooms. With explosions.

Seen It Before

With semi-realistic weapon properties, such as not being able to fire a machine gun (well, not without a semblance of accuracy) without first deploying it having to hoist a bazooka up to your shoulder before firing a rocket; the ability to pick up and throw live grenades back at the enemy; and of course the infamous Ml 'can't reload in the middle of a clip' Garand, the game carries a modicum of authenticity. However, by still clinging to the small-scale Counter-Strike. What's more, with Valve planning to release additional maps from the original game at no extra charge, it's clear that the intention is simply to take the much-loved mod and give it a significant facelift before making us pay for it again.


Back Again

You see, that's the gripe with Day Of Defeat: Source: it's the same game we were playing only a few years ago, with graphical bells on. They say beauty is only skin deep, that it's the inside that counts, that money can't buy you love. They lie. though. Just like when the original Day Of Defeat went on sale, it's hard to justify spending money on something that used to be free. Granted, this is only a fair criticism if you've played the game before. In addition though, in light of recent additions to the genre such as Battlefield 2, there's not much innovation here.

When all's said and done, this is an old game - an excellent old game and a beautiful old game - but an old game nonetheless. But if you haven't played it before, now's a great time to do so.

Spot the difference

Taking a trip down memory lane

This isn't the first time Valve has delved into its back catalogue to bring a classic mod up-to-date. Counter-Strike received a similar treatment with the release of Half-Life 2 (except it was, cough, free). The two mods were quite similar, as are their subsequent re-releases. Both feature closequarter gunfights in closed environments and realistic damage, meaning you die over and over again in seemingly unfair ways. If you ever need to tell the difference in a hurry though, Day of Defeat is a faster game and it's set in World War II.

Few mods have had such an impact with the online Half-Life gaming community as Day Of Defeat. Old favourites Counter-Strike and TFC spring to mind of course, but despite their avid following (CS in particular) they're getting a bit long in the tooth. Even Counter-Strike can now be modded with the Fusion pack weaponry addons, so it must be getting on a bit.

So, putting these beloved but slightly geriatric mods to one side for a moment, what's so great about the upstart World War Il-themed DoD? Well, this is one mod that it has been a real pleasure to watch. Starting from humble beginnings as did Counter-Strike, the first public releases of the class-based Day Of Defeat were fun but they didn't really grab you by the nuts, figuratively speaking. The maps were OK but not awe-inspiring, the character models and animation slightly wooden. The gameplay was almost run-of-the-mill deathmatch with Allied and Axis soldier skins. The whole mod just didn't quite gel. It was neat, but... not quite a star.

Day Of Defeat Free Download

Later, as the development team beavered away at DoD 2.0, the plan all came together. The detail levels shot up, the mod developed an immersive and imposing atmosphere all of its own which began to rival the bestaround, and background noises became an intrinsic part of the game instead of something that just happened. Then voice support appeared and online server numbers improved so much that getting a good game was never a problem. Now Day Of Defeat was coming of age. We'd always thought that it was destined for great things and here was the proof. 'Sod Wolfenstein a few voices cried. 'We're off to play Day Of Defeat instead'.

Day Of Defeat Mac Download Full

Now version 3.0 is upon us. New features include objectivebased gameplay, the ability to mix one-life-per-round and respawning teams, new spectator modes, more maps and yet more atmosphere (as if that's possible - the D-Day map is only missing scratch-and-sniff cordite and burning flesh smells to make it almost as harrowing as actually being there). It's truly impressive. There are of course other WWII mods but none can offer the sheer class of Day of Defeat and it's up to the likes of Return to Castle Wolfenstein (sort of) and the excellent Medal of Honor to offer it any real opposition. These, though, are full-priced games and you expect satisfaction for your money. DoD of course is free (install from our disc and even a download charge can't come back to haunt you) and in some ways offers an even better online experience than its expensive competitors. Ninety-nine per cent of mods aren't a commercial enterprise, but a labour of love, and DoD shows that sort of devotion by the bucketful. It's a top-class shooter and an absolute essential. Try it now!